Tuesday, 26 October 2010

‘World’s Coolest Intern‘.

I'm the world coolest intern simply because I'm:

extroverted, practical, logical, spontaneous, resolved, direct, objective, conscientious, attentive, likes taking risks, cheerful, impulsive, optimistic, sociable, enthusing, full of the joys of life, aggressive, considerate, dynamic, lively , competition-oriented, action-loving, energetic, charming, superior, solution-oriented, adventurous, go-ahead, changeable, outgoing

p/s: Nuffnang said that Standard Chartered Bank is on the lookout for the ‘World’s Coolest Intern to join the Breezemobile banking team in Singapore. If Tweetdeck and Facebook are the first things to greet you in the morning and the last things you say good night to, you’re exactly the type of person they’re looking for!


  1. Hi there!

    Those attributes were indeed essential in order for one to become the World's Coolest Intern. As I browse through the various entries, I'm not gonna lie, I think the competition becomes tougher and tougher because each entrant are unique, talented and highly motivated. The best of luck to both of us!


  2. Hi Jonha,

    All the best to you too! It's not the winning matters, it's the experience worth the most! aites? :)
