Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Therefore, the 2nd day of the teaching life.


2nd day was awesome!
I was given a few period to teach.
My guidance teacher is a very passionate person.
She assists me a lot.
Though my class is considered the last class in the school, I love my students to the bits!
I have high hope for them.

Every child deserves a chance for an education. 

Science class.

Happy face with completed face activity

haha.... aren't we cute?? wink2

another child with another cute face!


Me teaching the students

Yes! I am a very excited teacher!haha

1 to 1 guidance.

Group activity.
My school is covered in mist everyone morning!

satisfied! haha

p/s: Yes, life is exciting. Now, yesterday and tomorrow! 

1 comment:

  1. walaweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... best nye jd cigu! semua muke suci aje.. hoho semua bdak baik mesti snang nk ajar kan? ish, jeles lagi dong...
